About Us

During May 2019, Jacobs Poultry started their chicken farm by buying and selling various breeds of free-range chickens and producing free range eggs to their market in Montana and Pretoria North.

Jacobs Poultry and Vanniplaas joined forces during December 2019 and took over the raising and selling of all Vanniplaas’ Free Range Chicken Breeds. To date they have sold thousands of chickens across South Africa and to some cross border countries.

In 2021 Jacobs Poultry started venturing into the raising and selling of Ostriches as pets and security birds. 2024 they launched their Ostrich Hatchery in Hartenbeesfontein.

Most of their clients purchase these majestic birds to protect goats, sheep, cattle, poultry houses on farms and as security for small holdings.

Jacobs Poultry only sell top quality birds from selected parent stock and provide training and support in raising them successfully.

Contact Us

Phone: 082 324 5835

Whatsupp: 082 324 5835

Email: sales@potchkoekoeks.co.za


116 Suikerbekkie str, Haakdoringboom, Pretoria

Jacobs Poultry



(Owned by Jacobs Poultry)